When an organization chooses to participate in formal recycling programs, there are benefits for the employees, customers, community, and the environment. However, program professionals need information before these benefits can be understood and communicated. At a base level, they need to know the details about their organization’s participation in the program. What is being recycled? How much? And, perhaps just as significant, how does this participation impact the community? The environment?

At Midwest Fiber Recycling, corporate customers are provided with their own Real-Time Recycling Portal. This online informational hub offers secure and immediate access to a customer’s unique program. This complimentary service provides live-time data and can be accessed online 24/7, 365 days a year. In an easy-to-understand format, it provides:

    • Amount of material recycled
    • Prices for materials recovered
    • Complete payment information
    • Access to material shipping details
    • Summary reporting that can viewed/exported
    • Contact information and terms
    • A chart that displays recycled tonnage
    • Organizational impact in relatable categories
    • Environmental impact data

With this on-demand access to all details, there is no need to wait and wonder how the program is doing or how much will be paid for efforts. It’s easy to drill down to view important data, including load details and statuses. Further analyses can also be conducted conveniently, as data can be easily exported to Microsoft Excel.

Not only does the portal offer real-time program progress, but it also provides the measurable impact of the actions taken. One can see exactly how many trees and barrels of oil have been saved thanks to efforts. It goes beyond the numbers to bring efforts to accurate, relatable results. It also features an Environmental Impact Statement based on EPA guidelines that makes it easier for customers to measure the performance of their recycling program.

This information can be used in many ways. First and foremost, we recommend sharing data with employees to boost morale around recycling and sustainability goals. Everyone can feel good about their part in this positive program and the company that supports the program. And remember to include these successes in all recruitment efforts.

But don’t stop with your current and prospective workforce. Share this significant data with your stakeholders, customers, and community. Many companies say that they are pro-environment but fall short regarding actionable efforts. This data proves your commitment to sustainability and can place your company in a very positive light.

We know that Americans prefer sustainable companies. A study done in 2020 by the Recycling Partnership found that seven out of ten individuals would go out of their way to support a company that makes substantial efforts to be sustainable. This number is believed to be even higher if a poll was taken today.

With a program in place and an online information portal offering real-time data, you will be armed with the information you need to prove and even continually improve positive environmental practices. Successful sustainability perpetuates overall success, as is appreciated by all. For information or demonstration, contact us today!